I came across this information in a forum, and thought it was something everyone should know!
E-Gold will never send emails asking you to click a link and to verify your account details, Delete any emails recieved to this nature as they are phishing sites and will steal your log in details along with your MONEY!! This is also applies to all online processors
How To Prevent Your E-gold Account From Being Hacked
Once you register an E-gold account, beware of the fact that it might become an object for numerous hackers' attacks. All transactions conducted within this system are irreversible, and this is the factor which makes E-gold accounts so attractive for hackers. However, it is quite possible to avoid losing your money by taking a few steps towards making your E-gold account as secure as possible.
To find the E-gold certificate, click on the gold lock in the address bar on the log in page. A popup window will come up where you can view the certificate.
E-gold certificate number should be the following: 58:7C C8:8D BA:AB DF:C3 FD:81 BB:2E 5B:93 69:31. In case of the certificate number being different, it is better to close the window of your browser and do everything all over again.
Given the enormous number of spying software (also known as "spyware") on the Internet, E-gold has taken extensive security measures to prevent the accounts of its members from unauthorized access. The most important of these measures are Browser Access settings and IP Address Change
The first measure detects the change of an Internet browser (e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla etc) with the help of which an E-gold account is being accessed while the second one is in charge of an IP address change (when you are using a different computer). Both of these options should be set to "Highest" at all times (by default they are set to "Medium", so you should readjust your settings manually after you log in to your account).
In case the system detects the slightest change in the IP address, it will generate a special PIN number and will automatically send it to the e-mail address you used at sign-up with E-gold. That's why it is vital to create a new e-mail address specifically for this purpose and never reveal it to anyone or use it in any other way. Use a different e-mail address to sign up with investment programs.
If your local ISP does not provide you with an e-mail address (which would be the most ultimate option), it is best to use public e-mail services with higher level of security (for instance, you might consider Gmail.com or FastMail.com whose accounts are not easy to hack). Try to avoid using Hotmail or Yahoo - professional hackers crack their passwords within a couple of hours.
In case you did not receive a PIN number at your e-mail account, try again. If the problem persists, you might consider contacting E-gold's customer support.
It is not secure enough to enter your account number and password manually, as "Trojan Horses" and other spying software of this sort spot everything you type on your keyboard and momentarily transfer this information to the ones who have sent them to your computer.
Instead, try using the SRK (virtual keyboard) option offered by E-gold to its clients. Once you click on a round picture with the letters "SRK" on it (it is located to the right from your password field), a virtual keyboard will open in a new window.
Enter your password by clicking on letters with your mouse (every time you activate this option, the letters are laced in a different order). Use the arrow sign to see more symbols on the keyboard (such as capital letters or numbers). After the password is entered, close the keyboard window and hit "Enter". Keep in mind that your password should never be a word which can be found in dictionaries and should always contain both letters and digits.
Alternatively, you can choose to use some more advanced software with a similar concept (for example, RoboForm - its free version is available for download at http://www.roboform.com).
Once you have checked your account balance and conducted all the necessary transactions, click "Log Out" and close your browser window. Then go to the "Properties" section of your browser and click "Delete Cookies". By clearing your cache you eliminate the risk of unwanted programs being activated.
In addition, you should have a standard set of anti-virus software installed on your computer. Should there be a new update of the software you are using, do not hesitate to download it (an automatic notification will appear on your screen).
Remember that you are allowed to open multiple E-gold accounts. So if you are using big amounts of money for online transactions, it would be best to split it proportionally between these accounts, with a different password being set up for each of them. Never use the same password for your e-mail and E-gold account.
Also, do not keep large amounts of money on your account balance. Transfer the money to a destination account without unnecessary waiting (but if you have started having doubts
about a particular program, it's better not to invest).
Finally, change your e-mail and E-gold password at least once per two months. Many closed programs sell their databases to hackers, so you never know who might find out your E-gold account number.
Do not be lazy - it's better to spend a few minutes changing your password than a few years recovering your stolen money.
Always run your antivirus and defrag daily always delete everything in temp files
Disk Defrag:-
1. Click on the start menu
2. Select all programs
3. Select accessories
4. Select system tools
5. Select Analyze, this will state if you need to run disk defrag
6. Select Disk Defrag
Cleaning Temp Files:-
1. Left Click Start Button
2. Left Click My Computer
3. Double Left Click HDD[C]
4. Double Left Click Windows Folder
5. Double Left Click Temp File
6. Delete everything in here
Viruses from surfing are stored in the temp file